The Center on Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Enterprise in George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government is pleased to announce the release of the first report from the George Mason University – Nonprofit Employment Data Project (GMU-NED).
This brief report provides an update on the recovery of nonprofit jobs since the final Johns Hopkins University – Nonprofit Economic Data Project (JHU-NED) monthly update, which was released in January 2022. Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting widespread job losses, the JHU-NED Project began to estimate the potential impact on nonprofit institutions based on existing data on nonprofit employment and monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics job reports. JHU-NED staff estimated that, as of May 2020, nonprofits may have lost a conservatively estimated 1.64 million jobs, reducing the nonprofit workforce by 13.2%. Following these initial estimates, the JHU-NED Project released monthly updates to track the recovery of these jobs; the January 2022 report found that the nonprofit sector’s workforce was still down by nearly 500,000 workers as of December 2021.
As indicated by the title of the new GMU-NED report, “Nonprofit Employment Estimated to Have Recovered from COVID Pandemic-Related Losses as of December 2022,” the good news is that—according to this estimation method—the nonprofit sector appeared to have recovered these job losses by October 2022, and potentially added new employment in the final months of the year.
Produced by former JHU-NED Project Manager and current GMU-NED Research Consultant Chelsea Newhouse, in collaboration with Center Director Dr. Alan Abramson and faculty colleagues Dr. Stefan Toepler and Dr. Mirae Kim, this new report also outlines plans for the next phase of work for the GMU-NED Project as it endeavors to carry forward the legacy of the JHU-NED Project and build on its successes to enhance and broaden the nonprofit data landscape.
The Center on Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Enterprise is grateful to the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation for its continuing support of this work.
To read the full report, please click here.
To learn more about the GMU-NED Project, click here.
For inquiries, contact:
Chelsea Newhouse, [email protected]
Kristina Podesta, [email protected]
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