Center on Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Enterprise

Nonprofit Policy Forum (NPF)

The mission of Nonprofit Policy Forum (NPF) is to serve as an international journal that publishes original research and analysis on public policy issues and the public policy process critical to the work of nonprofit organizations. NPF provides a forum and an authoritative and accessible source of information for scholars, leaders, and policy-makers worldwide. A primary goal of NPF is to provide nonprofit leaders and policy-makers with readily accessible and relevant scholarly research. In addition to being an accessible source of information, NPF creates a publishing venue for the expanding population of nonprofit-public policy scholars.

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Call for Papers

The journal Nonprofit Policy Forum is pleased to welcome the submission of unsolicited manuscripts year-round. NPF publishes original, high-quality research and analysis from all scholarly disciplines and all parts of the world that address important public policy issues affecting nonprofits, philanthropy, and social enterprise. A double-blind peer review process is used to select papers for publication.

NPF is published quarterly by De Gruyter, Inc. in open access format and is fully available at Open access is made possible by NPF’s generous institutional sponsors: the Humphrey School of the University of Minnesota; the Urban Institute; the Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences of Case Western Reserve University; and the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). NPF’s editorial board consists of leading scholars from 20 different countries in Europe, Asia, North America, and Australia. The journal is included in the Emerging Science Citation Index (ESCI) and is searchable in the Web of Science Core Collection.

Articles published in NPF address a broad range of nonprofit public policy issues. Subject areas include but are not limited to: government tax, spending, and regulatory policies related to nonprofits and philanthropy; nonprofit advocacy and lobbying; other aspects of nonprofit-government relations; social enterprise and sector boundary issues; global/cross-national NGO issues; and developments in policy fields such as health care, social justice, the environment, education, and the arts that affect nonprofits.

NPF invites research papers of 5,000-8,000 words as well as shorter special features such as policy briefs, commentaries, case studies, interviews, and book reviews. Proposals for special issues are also welcome. More detail on how to submit manuscripts to NPF is available on NPF’s website,

We are very pleased to become NPF’s co-editors-in-chief as of July 2021, and thank founding editor Dennis Young and managing editor Linda Serra for their excellent work in establishing a terrific foundation for NPF in its first decade of publication.

Alan Abramson, Mirae Kim, and Stefan Toepler
Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University
Co-Editors-in-Chief, Nonprofit Policy Forum (beginning July 1, 2021)

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